Saturday, July 27, 2024

Muslim male names with meaning


We present a list of contemporary male names that it is customary to name the children of the peoples professing Islam. Find out what they mean, and pick the option with the most beautiful sense to name the child.

If You do not find in this list the value of any name for a boy send us a request in the comments field at the end of the page. We will give the translation of even the rarest name.

Male names starting with A

  • Abdullah (Arabic) – a servant of Allah.
  • Abdul – short for “Abdullah.” It is a component of the name, usually used in the compilation of names using the attributes of Allah.
  • Abbas (Gabbas) (Arabic) – gloomy, austere, stern; steep.
  • Abdul Hamid (Abdul + Hamid) (ar.) — the servant praised the Lord.
  • Abdur Rashid (Abd + Rashid) (Arabic) – a slave of the Lord, Leading on the right path. That is, such a name is given with the wish that this child be led in life along the right path.
  • Abdul Kahar (Abdul + Kahhar) (Arabic) is a slave of the Dominant Almighty. The name is given with a prayer that this child should be fully protected and protected by the Power of the Highest.
  • Adil (Arabic) – fair, just.
  • Adip (- / -) – 1. writer; 2. educated, polite, tactful.
  • Azamat (- / -) – knight, hero, hero. Modern and common name.
  • Azat (pers.) – free. This name is very common now.
  • Aziz (Arabic) – 1. great, very respected, dear; 2. strong, strong. One of the names of the Highest.
  • Aidan / 3 / (other Turk) – 1. Strength, power; 2. wide, great, spacious; 3. bright, radiant; 4. distributor of “moonlight”.
  • Ainur (Tatar.-Arabic.) – moonlight.
  • Airat (Arabic. Or Mongol.) – 1. on the Arabic name of Hairat, which means amazing; 2. from the Mongolian Hairat, which means “dear, beloved.”
  • Akram (Arabic) is the most generous, honoring, respecting, noble, well-disposed.
  • Alaskar, Aliaskar (Arabic) is a great warrior. The name consists of two independent names: Ali – the great, strong, powerful, courageous and Askar – the warrior, soldier.
  • Ali (Arabic) – tall, exalted.
  • Alim (Arabic) is a scientist, knowledgeable, knowledgeable, knowledgeable.
  • Aidar (Turkic-Tatar.) – 1. lunar, beauty like the moon; 2. High-ranking, conspicuous, courageous. The derivative of the Arabic Haidar is the lion.
  • Albert (dr.-germ.) – noble brilliance.
  • Alfinur (Arabic) – can be translated as “a thousandfold light.”
  • Haman (Arabic) – A rare name that means healthy, strong.
  • Amin (Arabic) – 1. Faithful, reliable, direct, truthful, honest; 2. protecting, protecting. One of the names of the Prophet Muhammad (may God bless and greet him).
  • Amir (Arabic) – 1. ruler, leader, president; 2. ordering, giving instructions.
  • Amirkhan (Emirkhan) (Turkic-Arab.) – Chief Executive Officer.
  • Anas (Arabic) – joyful, pleasant, good-natured.
  • Amanullah (Arabic) – by the grace of the Almighty possessor of good health.
  • Anwar (Anver) (Arabic) – 1. The lightest, brightest (if the emphasis falls on the first vowel); 2. a person radiating a lot of light (if the stress on the second vowel is the plural of the word “nur” – light). The most faithful pronunciation is Anwar.
  • Anzor – from Arabic can be translated as 1. the most appropriate; 2. the most far-sighted; 3. the most caring. Most likely, this name did not come from the Arabic language, although it is not excluded.
  • Ansar (Arabic) – assistants, supporters, fellow travelers.
  • Arsen (Greek) – 1. brave, fearless; 2. people.
  • Lion (Turk) – lev.
  • Arthur (Celtic) – 1. a mighty bear; 2. a man of large build, strong.
  • Assad (Arabic) – Lev.
  • Afzal (Arabic) – the best, most respectable, deeply respected, worthy.
  • Ahmad (Ahmed) (Arabic) – laudable, praised. One of the names of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)
  • Ayub (Ayyup) (dr.-Heb.) – 1. repentant; 2. giving a vow (vow). The name of one of God’s prophets.
  • Asaf (Arabic) – 1. possessing good qualities. 2. dreamy, thoughtful.
  • Ayaz (dr. Turk.) – 1. cloudless, clear sunny day; 2. reasonable, quick-witted, savvy, smart. Giving the child such a name, they wanted his life to be bright, without problems and hardships.
  • Azahar (Arabic) – Azahar is derived from Arabic origins. Azahar is of the meaning alludes to the flower of the orange tree.

Male names starting with B

  • Badretdin (Bedreddin) (Arabic) – the “full moon” of religion. Giving such a name, the parents wanted the child to “radiate” the light of faith, just as a full moon illuminates the earth.
  • Bakir (Arabic) – an early, fast-growing.
  • Baky (Arabic) – eternal. One of the 99 names of the Highest, is usually used as a component of the name, for example, Abdulbaki (slave of the eternal Lord).
  • Bagautdin (Arabic) – the radiance of faith.
  • Baghdat (Iran.) – a gift from the Almighty, a gift.
  • Batu (Batu) (Mong.) – 1. gem; 2. Strong, healthy, reliable.
  • Borhan (Borhanetdin) (Arabic) – proof, fact, honesty, reliability.
  • Damask steel (Bolat, Polat) – 1. (Arabic) is very strong; 2. (Turk.) Steel. Damascus called the best sword made in Damascus.
  • Bakhtiyar (Arabic, Persian) – happy.
  • Bashar (Arabic) – a man.
  • Bashir (Arabic) – a messenger of joy.

Male names starting with C

  • Carmen – Love with Spain Carmen
  • Chafik – sympathizing
  • Chahid – witness
  • Chaker – thanking
  • Chams – sun
  • Chan – Shining
  • Chanan – God Was Compassionate, chanandin
  • Chand – Moon
  • Chanda – Of The Moon
  • Changeez – Chengiz Khan
  • Charagh – Lamp, Light
  • Chargul – Jewellery for the Nose
  • Chawki – pleasant
  • Chessy – Peaceful
  • Chinar – A Tree
  • Chishti – Famous Saint Whose Dargah Is At Ajmer
  • Chokri – blessed

Male names starting with D

  • Daut (Daoud) (Arabic) – beloved, disposing to himself.
  • Dahi (Pers.) – the owner of great knowledge, anticipating, a great writer.
  • Dayan (Arabic) – a retributor for the deed, the great judge. One of the names of the Highest.
  • Dilar (pers.) – 1. sincere, cordial; 2. comforter.
  • Dindar (Persian-Arabic.) – Very God-fearing.
  • Dzhambulat – Bulat (Arabic) is very strong.
  • Gian (Turk.) – soul.
  • Jamil (Arabic) is beautiful.
  • Danis (Pers.) – knowledge, science.
  • Danif (Arab.) – The sun is declining.
  • Daniyaz (Arabic.-Pers.) – desire, need, need, necessity.
  • Daniyar (Persian) – smart, prudent, sensible.
  • Delilah (Arabic) – 1. accurate, correct, truthful; 2. conductor (indicating the road).
  • Damir – 1. (Arab) conscience, mind; 2. (Turk) derivative of “thimer-dimer” – iron; 3. persistent.
  • Danil (Daniil) (dr.-Heb. – Arabic.) – 1. a gift from God, a person close to God; 2. God is my judge.
  • Dauzhan (Turk.) Is generous.
  • Daulat (Davlet) – 1. wealth, country; 2. happiness.

Male names starting with E

  • Emir – head, leader, boss.
  • Elvir (Spanish) – defender, supporter.
  • Emil (lat.) – a hardworking, hard worker.
  • Elmir (al.) – good, beautiful.

Male names starting with F

  • Farouk (Arabic) – able to distinguish good from bad.
  • Fattah (Fattakhetdin) (Arabic) – 1. Opening the doors of happiness, the winner; 2. Opening the doors of faith. One of the names of the Highest.
  • Fatykh (Arabic) – 1. Beginner; 2. winner. Fazil (Arabic) – educated, talented.
  • Faiz (Arabic) is the winner, seeking his own.
  • Faik (Arabic) – superior; excellent, excellent, amazing; conscious.
  • File – giving a good sign, which is a good sign.
  • Farid (Arabic) – unsurpassed, unique.
  • Fayaz (Arabic) – rich, generous.
  • Fuad (Arabic) – heart; mind.
  • Fianis (Persian) – a lighthouse illuminating.

Male names starting with G

  • Ghani (Arab.) – rich, possessor of countless wealth. One of the names of the Highest.
  • Ghafur (Ghaffar) (Arabic) – forgiving, merciful. One of the names of the Highest.
  • Gayaz (Arabic) is an assistant who helps.
  • Gazi – 1. hiking, procession; 2. aspiring; 3. warrior.
  • Ghalib (Arabic) is the winner.
  • Gayas (Arabic) – savior, helper.
  • Gufran (Arabic) – Forgiving.
  • Gayar (Arabic) – courageous, brave, courageous, decisive.

Male names starting with H

  • Hakim (Arabic) – a wise, educated, scholar.
  • Halik (Arabic) – revitalizing, illuminating. One of the names of the Highest.
  • Halim (Arabic) – soft, patient. One of the names of the Highest.
  • Hamzat (Hamza) (Arabic) – agile, scorching.
  • Hamid – laudable, laudable.
  • Habib – the beloved; favorite friend; dear, darling.
  • Haris (Arabic) – guard, defender.
  • Harun (Arabic) – stubborn, restive, self-willed.
  • Hassan (Arabic) is good, beautiful.
  • Hafiz (Arabic-Tatar) – 1. Knowing the Qur’an by heart; 2. possessing a good memory. One of the names of the Highest.
  • Husain (Arabic) – beautiful, good.
  • Hyder – Lev.
  • Hammath (Arabic) – praising.
  • Hanif (Arabic) – 1. truthful, honest, truthful.
  • Hibjur (Arabic) – Peace.

Male names starting with I

  • Ibrahim (Ibrahim, Abraham) (al-Heb. – Arab.) – father of peoples. One and the same name has different sounds: Ibrahim is used in the Muslim environment, and Abraham – in the Jewish and Christian “religion”.
  • Idris (Arabic) – diligent, student, attractive. The name of one of the prophets of the Almighty.
  • Ilyas (al-Heb. – Arabic) – Divine power, miracle.
    Iman (Arabic) – faith, conviction, worship.
  • Inal (Dr. Turkic – Tatar) – 1. Prince, aristocrat; 2. the lord, the ruler.
  • Inar (Arabic-Tatar) – make sure, believe me.
  • (Arab.) – The contact person.
  • Insaf (Arabic) – educated, modest, conscientious.
  • Irek (Tatar) – free, independent, independent.
  • Irken (Irkin) (Tatar) – generous, welcoming, wealthy.
  • Irfan (Arab.) – Enlightened, educated, educated.
  • Irshad (Irshat) (Arabic) – guide, guide, pointing.
  • Iskander (Alexander) (dr. Greek) – conquering the courageous.
  • Ikram (Arabic) – respect, reverence.
  • Ilgiz (Turkic-Persian) – a wanderer, traveler.
  • Ilham (Ilham) (Arabic) – inspired, inspired.
  • Ildan (Turkic-Tatar-Persian) – glorifying the homeland.
  • Ildar (Tatar-Persian) – having a homeland, leader, master of the state.
  • Ildus (Tatar-Persian) – a loving homeland.
  • Ilnar (Tatar-Persian) – the fire of the motherland, the light of the motherland.
  • Ihsan (Arabic) – kind, good, showing mercy, helping.
  • Ihtiram (Arabic) – revered, respected.
  • Ismagil (Ismayil) (al-Heb.) – a derivative of the phrase “Allah hears himself”
  • Ismatullah – “under the protection of Allah.”
  • Ilnur (Tatar.-Arab.) – the light of the motherland, fatherland.
  • Ilsaf (Tatar.-Arabic.) – from the combination of “il” (“homeland”) and “saf” (“pure, noble”).
  • Islam (Arabic) – submissive to the Almighty, worshiping.
  • Israfil (Arabic) – warrior, fighter. The name of the angel announcing the coming of Judgment Day.
  • Ishak (al-Heb. – Arabic.) – joyful, cheerful. The name of one of the prophets.
  • Ihlas (Arabic) – sincere, sincere, faithful.

Male names starting with J

  • Jaudat (Arabic) – 1. superior, impeccable, spotless, without flaws; 2. generous, generous.
  • Jamal (Arabic) – a camel (meaning that it is hardy and studious, like a camel).

Male names starting with K

  • Karim (Arabic) – generous, revered, sacred.
  • Kawi (Arabic) – strong, powerful, powerful. One of the names of the Highest.
  • Kader (Arabic) – authoritative, respected, ambitious.
  • Qadir (Arabic) is powerful. One of the names of the Highest.
  • Kasim (Kasim, Qassim) (Arabic) – dividing, distributing, fair.
  • Kausar (Kavsar) (Arabic) —1. the name of the stream flowing in Paradise; 2. living in abundance.
  • Kafil (Arabic) – returning.
  • Kazim (Arab.) – patient, balanced.
  • Kamal (Camille) (Arabic) – 1. full, mature. 2. brought to perfection.
  • Kamran (Persian) – mighty, powerful, powerful, happy.
  • Kari (Arabic) – a reader who knows the Qur’an, a hafiz.
  • Kaharman (pers.) – hero, hero.
  • Kamal (Arabic) – attained, ripened.
  • Kashshaf (Arabic) – revealing, revealing (all good).
  • Kiram (Arabic) – generous, noble, sincere, sincere.
  • Kahir (Arabic) is the winner.
  • Kahhar (Arabic) – possessing power. One of the names of the Highest.
  • Kudrat (Arabic) – power; a man who can do anything.
  • Kurban (Arabic) – sacrificing, not sparing himself for the sake of the Almighty.
  • Kutdus (Arabic) – respected, revered.

Male names starting with L

  • Luqman (Luqman) – (Arabic). Smotryasçiy, zabotyasçiysya.
  • Lutfulla (Arabic) – God’s mercy, His gift.
  • Latif (Latif) (Arabic) – 1. open, merciful; 2. funny, witty.
  • Lyaziz (Arabic) – sweet, tasty.
  • Lyabib (Arabic) – smart, educated.

Male names starting with M

  • Muhammad – the name “Muhammad” is translated as “praised, praised.” It comes from the verb “ha-mi-da”, that is, “praise, praise, thank.”
  • Mansour (Arab) – a victorious, triumphant victory.
  • Marat is a new name that appeared among the Tatars after the 30s in honor of one of the leaders of the French Revolution, Jean-Paul Marat (1747–1793).
  • Masgood (Arabic) – happy.
  • Mahdi (Arabic) – going the right way.
  • Maksoud (Arabic) – sought, desired; target; meaning, meaning.
  • Malik (Arabic) – master, leader, king.
  • Mahmud (Arabic) – praised, revered.
  • Minniyar (Arabic-Persian) is an assistant, friend, and comrade who does good.
  • Mirza (Arabic-Persian) – master, nobleman.
  • Mihman (pers.) – guest.
  • Mubin (Arabic) – able to distinguish between truth and falsehood, open.
  • Muzaffar – a victorious warrior.
  • Mukaddas (Arabic) – holy, pure.
  • Mukim (Arabic) – corrective; building; setting; performing; living, living.
  • Munir (Arabic) – illuminating, spreading light.
  • Muhsin (Arabic) – doing good, helping.
  • Mukhtar (Arabic) – the chosen one; having the freedom of choice.
  • Murad (Arabic) – desire, purpose; something desired; intention.
  • Murtaza (Arabic) is a chosen, outstanding, beloved.
  • Musa (Moses) – 1. (al-Egypt.) Son, child; 2. (Greek) extracted from water.
  • Muslim (Arabic) – Muslim; submissive to the Creator.
  • Mustafa (Arabic) – equal, superior, best.

Male names starting with N

  • Nugman (Arabic) – merciful, beneficent, gracious.
  • Nur (Arabic) – bright, radiant.
  • Nuriman (Arabic) is the light of faith.
  • Nadir (Arabic) is rare.
  • Nazar – this name can be translated as “visionary”, as well as – “look”; “Looking at things from the good side”; “Vow (promised)”; “Dedicated to the Lord.”
  • Nariman (al-Persian) – strong, hardy, strong.
  • Nazif (Arabic) – clean, direct, healthy.
  • Nail – the recipient; gift, gift; benefit, benefit.
  • Nazim (Arabic) – building, putting in order, collecting.

Male names starting with O

  • Obaid – Small Slave
  • Omair – the Problem solver
  • Omar – Long-Lived, Omar bin Khattab was a sahabi and 2nd khalif, it was in his time Palestine was open to its people and jews where given the right to practice their religion after 1000 years of crusader atrocity
  • Omeed – Hope.
  • Omeir – Long living.
  • Omran – Solid structure
  • Osama – Lion
  • Osamaa – Lion
  • Osman – slave of God, sahabi
  • Ossama – One of the names of the lion.
  • Othmane – snake
  • Owais – A companion of the Prophet (SAW)
  • Ozaafar – Lion

Male names starting with P

  • Parviz (Parvaz, Perviz) – a Persian name, which in translation from Farsi sounds like “take-off”, “ascent”.
  • Pasha – Persian-Turkic name, which is an abbreviated version of the name Padishah, meaning “sovereign”. In the Ottoman Empire, the title “Pasha” was only the officials closest to the Sultan.

Male names starting with Q

  • Qa – qaayed-leader
  • Qaabeel – Famous son of Adam (Adam) Alayhe salam.
  • Qaadir – Powerful, mighty, an attribute applied to Allah Almighty. Name, Abdul Qaadir.
  • Qaailah – Name of a Sahabiyyah(RA).
  • Qaaim – Standing person, steadfast.
  • Qaanay – Satisfied, Contended
  • Qaani – Satisfied, contented.
  • Qaaniah – Satisfied, contented.
  • Qaanit – Satisfied, contented.
  • Qaari – Reciter (of the Holy Quran)
  • Qaasim – One who distributes, name of the beloved son of Rasoolullah Sallallaahu
  • Alayhi-wasallam, also his attribute.
  • Qaazi – (Qaadi) Judge, Justice.
  • Qabbaab – Lion
  • Qabeel – Son of Sayyidina Aadam
  • Qabid – The ConstrictorA Name for Allah
  • Qabil – Son of Adam.
  • Qabiz – One of the ninety
  • Qabool – Accepted, accreditec
  • Qaddur – Capable
  • Qadeem – Ancient
  • Qadeer – Powerful, very kind hearted and honest
  • Qadi – Judge
  • Qadim – Ancient
  • Qadir – Powerful
  • Qadr – Dignity, Destiny, Value
  • Qahhar – The Subduer A Name For Allah
  • Qahir – Conqueror, subduer.
  • Qaid – Leader, commander.
  • Qaim – Rising, Standing, Existing, well-grounded
  • Qais – Lover
  • Qaiser – Caesar.
  • Qalandar – One who lives in solitude.
  • Qamar – The moon. Al-Qamar
  • Qamaruddin – Moon of the religion (Islam).
  • Qani – Content, Satisfied
  • Qanit – Obedient, Submissive, Humble, God-fearing
  • Qareeb – Near
  • Qareebah – Near
  • Qarib – Another name for God, proximity
  • Qaseem – Share, Portion
  • Qasid – Messenger
  • Qasidul Haq – Courier of the Truth
  • Qasif – Discover
  • Qasim – Divider, distributor
  • Qasit – Just, Fair
  • Qassam – Handsome, Name of a great mujahid(Izzu Deen Al Qassam)
  • Qataadah – Name of a Sahabi who took part in the battle of Badr.
  • Qatadah – Name of a companion of the Prophet
  • Qatawah – A companion
  • Qatii – Muhammad Ibn Yahya, a student
  • Qawi – Strong, powerful, firm
  • Qawiyy – Strong, powerful, firm, an attribute of Allah Almighty. Name, Abdul Quaawiyy.
  • Qays – Firm
  • Qays Qais – Firm
  • Qayyam – Another name for God, immortal
  • Qayyim – Another name for the Quran
  • Qayyum – Eternal, everlasting.
  • Qazafi – One who lives in vast forest.
  • Qazi – Judge, justice.
  • Qazim – The one who imprison his anger
  • Qismat – Fate, destiny.
  • Qiwam – Support, prop.
  • Qiwamuddin – Support of the religion (Islam)
  • Quadir – Strong
  • Quaid – Leader, General
  • Quasim – Judge
  • Qudamah – Courageous
  • Quddoos – Holy, most, pure
  • Qudrat – Power, might, strength.
  • Qudratullah – Power of Allah.
  • Quds – Holiness, sanctity.
  • Qudsi – Holy, sacred.
  • Qudwa – Model, example.
  • Qurban – Offering, Sacrifice
  • Qureshi – Attributed to Quraish
  • Qusay – Old Arabic name
  • Qusta – He was ibn Luqa. He translat
  • Qutaiba – Irritable, impatient.
  • Qutaybah – A narrator of hadith
  • Qutaybah qutaibah – Irritable, impatient
  • Qutb – Leader
  • Qutbah – Name of Ibn Maalik RA a coma
  • Qutbuddin – Leader of the religion (Islam).
  • Qutub – Tall

Male names starting with R

  • Rashid (Arabic) – walking on the right path.
  • Reed (Arabic) – contentment; Consent benevolence, favor.
  • Rinat (lat.) – updated, newly born.
  • Rasul (Arabic) – the messenger; ambassador; the messenger; apostle; precursor.
  • Rauf (Arabic) – gracious, sympathetic, compassionate. One of the names of the Highest.
  • Ravil (Heb.) – teenager, young man; spring sun; traveler.
  • Radik (Greek) – a sunbeam.
  • Rais (Arabic) – leader, chapter.
  • Rushan (Raushan) (Pers.) – bright, radiating light.
  • Rifkat (Arabic) – gracious.
  • Ruzil (Pers.) – happy.
  • Ryan (Arabic) – the name of the gates of paradise through which those who observed the obligatory post in the secular monastery would enter on Judgment Day.
  • Ramadan (Ramadan) – the name of the 9th month of the Muslim calendar, the month of Holy Lent. This name was usually called children born in this month.
  • Ramiz – a sign symbolizing the good.
  • Ramil is a magical, magical.
  • Rasim (Arabic) – an accelerated step, move, rapid movement.
  • Rahman (Arabic) – gracious, merciful, forgiving. One of the names of the Highest.
  • Rashad – when emphasized on the first syllable, the name translates as “conscious, prudent”; “adult”; “Following the right path”, with emphasis on the second syllable – “consciousness, consciousness”; “Health, prudence”; “right”.
  • Raphael (Heb.) – Healed by the Almighty. In the Torah – the name of one of the angels (Raphael).
  • Rafik (Arabic) – 1. friend, comrade, companion; 2. soft-hearted.
  • Rahim (Arabic) – merciful, kind-hearted. One of the names of the Highest.
  • Rifat – high position, nobility.
  • Rushan (Raushan) (Pers.) – bright, radiating light.
  • Rifkat (Arabic) – gracious.
  • Ruzil (Pers.) – happy.
  • Ruslan (dr.-Turk. – Tatar.) – Derived from Arslan.
  • Rustam – a very big man with a powerful body. In ancient Iranian folklore – a hero, a man-legend.

Male names starting with S

  • Suleiman (Solomon) – living in health and well-being.
  • Sultan (Arabic) – King, head of state.
  • Sufyan is a proper name.
  • Sadik (Arabic) – 1. honest, sincere; 2. friend.
  • Said (Arabic) – master, nobleman.
  • Salavat (Arabic) – 1. Praising; 2. blessing.
  • Salman (Arabic) – healthy, without grief.
  • Sabir (Arabic) is patient.
  • Sabit (Arabic) – Strong, honest, holding a promise.
  • Sabur (Arabic) is very patient. One of the names of the Highest.
  • Samat (Arabic) – 1. eternal; 2. the manager. One of the names of the Highest.
  • Samir (Arabic) – interlocutor, storyteller.
  • Sardar (Pers.) – Commander-in-Chief, leader.
  • Sattar (Arabic) – forgiving, protecting. One of the names of the Highest.
  • Safa (Arabic) – 1. pure, sincere.
  • Salah (Arabic) – 1. useful, necessary; 2. pious, God-fearing.

Male names starting with T

  • Tahir (Arabic) – pure, sinless.
  • Timerlan (Timur) (Turk.) – iron, resistant. In ancient times, when physically weak children were born in the family, the next child was given the name Timer, putting a prayer in this about his health and resistance to illnesses and life’s adversities.
  • Tabris (Arabic) – 1. Heritage, wealth; 2. pride, greatness.
  • Tavfik (Taufik, Tofik) – a blessing; reconciliation, pacification; success, luck, happiness.
  • Tahir (Arabic) – flying, soaring.
  • Such (Tagi) – originally “Tagi” sounded like “Such”, which means “pious, pious” in Arabic.
  • Talgat (Talat) – appearance, face; beauty, attractiveness, grace.

Male names starting with U

  • Ubaadah – Old Arabic name
  • Ubadah – Worship
  • Ubaid – Faithful
  • Ubaida – Servant of God
  • Ubaidah – Servant of God.
  • Ubaidah, – Servant Of God
  • Ubaidullah – Lowly servant of the Allah.
  • Ubay – Old Arabic name
  • Ubayd – Worshipper
  • Ubaydah – Servant of God
  • Ubaydullah – Servant of Allah
  • Ubayy – One with high self-esteem
  • Udail – Old Arabic name
  • Uday – One who runs fast
  • Udayl – Old Arabic name
  • Uhban – Name of Prophet (SAW)s name
  • Ukashah – Web, Cobweb, Spider web.
  • Ukkashah – Web, Cobweb, Spider web.
  • Ulfat – Love, Affection, Familiarity, Intimacy
  • Umaarah – Old Arabic name
  • Umair – Intelligent
  • Umar – Name of the second Caliph
  • Umar omar – Name of the second Caliph
  • Umarah – Old Arabic name
  • Umaroromar – Name of the second Caliph
  • Umayr – Old Arabic name
  • Umayr umair – Old Arabic name
  • Umayyah – Famous Arabian tribe
  • Umdah – Support.
  • Umdatuddawlah – Support of the state.
  • Umer – Life Name of the second Caliph
  • Umran – Prosperity
  • Unais – Friendly
  • Unays – Smaller form of Anas
  • Unsar – Root, element, resolution.
  • Uqaab – Eagle.
  • Uqba – Name of an illustrious Sahabi.
  • Uqbah – End of everything

Male names starting with V

  • Vaiz (Arabic) – 1. instructing, clarifying, speaking; 2. speaker.
  • Vakil – 1. ambassador; 2. trusted, authorized; 3. Deputy; 4. protector, patron.
  • Veli (Arabic) – 1. close, dear; 2. patron, guardian; 3. owner, owner. 4. saint.
  • Vildan (Arabic, religion) – 1. sons (plural hours); 2. a servant of paradise.

Male names starting with W

  • Waadi – Quiet
  • Waafir – Plentiful
  • Waafy – Sincere
  • Waahid – One, without a partner, unique, an attribute applied to Allah almighty.
  • Waail – One Who Returns For Shelter
  • Waaizh – (Waa
  • Waajid – One whose wants are satisfied, wealthy, a lover or beloved.
  • Waali – The Governor
  • Waaqif – Acquainted, aware of, experienced, conversant with, knowing, learned, sensible.
  • Waarid – Coming, arriving, approaching, alighting, descending, happening, being present
  • Waarith – An heir, a master, a lord
  • Waasey – Capacious, wide, ample
  • Waasi – (Waas
  • Waasif – Describing
  • Waasil – Joined, connected, coupled, arrived.
  • Waathiq – (Waasiq), Strong, firm, binding, confident, secure, confiding, Name of a caliph of Islam.
  • Wadaan – Prosperous.
  • Waddah – Bright, brilliant
  • Waddood – Friend, companion, beloved

Male names starting with X

  • Xander – Means Splendid in Arabic
  • Xavier – bright, new house
  • Xobeen – Spear

Male names starting with Y

  • Yahya (Hebrew – Arabic) is inspirational. The name of one of the prophets.
  • Yasin (Arabic) is the name of the 36th surah of the Qur’an.
  • Yavar (Pers.) – assistant.
  • Yakub (Jacob) (dr.-Heb. – Arab.) – follower. The name of one of the prophets of the Almighty.
  • Yaran (Persian) – friend, close person, assistant.
  • Yarullah (Persian-Arabic) is a friend of God following His commandments.
  • Yamin (Arabic) – the witness of the truth, right.
  • Yasser (Arabic) – small, light.
  • Yasmine (Pers.) – Jasmine flower.

Male names starting with Z

  • Zubair (Arabic) – Strong, smart.
  • Sulfate (Arabic) – 1. curly; 2. loving.
  • Zabir (Arabic) – strong, strong, hardy.
  • Zayed (Arabic) is growing.
  • Zakaria (al-Heb. – Arabic) – 1. remembering the Almighty; 2. a real man.
  • Zamil (Arabic) – friend, comrade, colleague.
  • Zamin (Persian) – land, founder, ancestor.
  • Zahid (Arabic) – pious, humble, Sufi, ascetic.
  • Zinnat (Arabic) – decoration, magnificent, elegant, beautiful, good. The name component.
  • Zinnur (Arabic) – bright, radiant, illuminating.
  • Zia (Arabic) – the light, the light of knowledge.
  • Ziyad (Arabic) – growing, increasing, mating.
  • Zobit (Finished) – officer; rule, system, order, control.
  • Zulfir (Arabic) – 1. predominant, superior; 2. A man with curly hair.
  • Zaki (Arabic) – 1. smart, wise, capable; 2. clean, direct.
  • Zakir (Arabic) – 1. remembering, remembering; 2. praising Allah.
  • Zarif (Arabic) – 1. affectionate, attractive, sophisticated, beautiful; 2. beautifully speaking; 3. resourceful, wit.
  • Zafar (Zufar) (Arabic) is a winner who achieves the goal.

If you like the Names please share it with your friends and family. Also, if you want another name to be here please email us via contact us page.

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