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Miley Cyrus confessed to her husband in love and shared a new wedding photo

Miley Cyrus

Actress and singer Miley Cyrus touching congratulated the wife with Valentine’s Day and at the same time pleased with the new wedding pictures. More pictures and details later in the material.

At the end of last year, it became known that Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth secretly got married. After that, the singer confirmed the happy news with a series of wedding photos and recently replaced her husband at the premiere of the film in Los Angeles.


Now Miley has decided to share new photos with secret triumph. On his official page in Instagram Cyrus posted a romantic footage of the wedding and also in honor of the holiday of February 14, admitted Liam in love.

Here are the words the star dedicated to her beloved:

Thank you for always bend over to hug me. I promise that I will always meet you on your toes. Love you, Valentine!

In addition, after several black-and-white photographs (Miley seem to really love this filter), the actress shared color images where you can clearly see her wedding dress.

Fans enthusiastically responded to the publication of the singer, wrote in the comments: “Very happy! I wish you happiness!”, “Crazy like your mother.”

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