Tuesday, September 17, 2024

How to eat on Christmas vacation?


Christmas holidays, of course, the majority of our citizens look forward to: it will be possible to relax, have fun, gain strength, spend time with family and friends, enjoy Hobbies, or simply walking as you want, even at night, and not think about what the morning will have to go to work.

However, rest is not possible for everyone: for some reason, after the holidays and the new year holidays, going to work, we begin the real rehabilitation process – someone having problems with the stomach, someone- with blood pressure and heart rate, but the majority of our citizens, of course, complain about the extra weight and shortness of breath. This is especially worried about the beautiful women want to be beautiful and elegant, free to walk in heels, because after the holidays, life goes on, but with the extra weight it is not so comfortable – in the evening many feet swell, and think about the beauty of becoming once – every morning you have to get up for work.

Today we decided to address this important issue of food on Christmas vacation. We will tell you how to eat properly during the Christmas holidays, so that was pretty good, and useful, but health problems then arose. We always care about health and wish You great festive days without consequences.

Christmas vacation

Medical statistics notes that in the Christmas holidays, the number of appeals due to improper nutrition in an ambulance increases sharply, calling a doctor to the house. But clinics have a rest, so often do have “their own means”, and it turns to the health of the most unpleasant consequences, the number of exacerbations of chronic diseases also grows rapidly.

Problems due to power on the new year’s holidays

In the vast majority of cases “new” health problems due to food are caused by excessive consumption of fatty and high-calorie food and alcohol: people overeat, become poisoned food and alcohol, or suffer from all these causes taken together – it happens often, and have to spend the holidays in the hospital.

What should be the diet during the holiday season? How to avoid health problems, and not to get bored and not starve and be entertained and have fun?

Our health during the holidays depends on many factors but diet is the main factor, and menus holidays is no exception. For some reason, many people who are trying to maintain a healthy balance during the year, the holidays begin to behave like barbarians, destroying all that created a civilization for 2-3 days to destroy the results achieved for many months.

Food during the new year holidays it is possible to arrange so that no one gets hurt, and to obtain from eating a great pleasure. The laws of separation of power are recognized, not all people, but these laws work and have always worked, so you have to follow at least the General principles.

Start with a light vegetable salads

Now let’s talk about how to eat during the holidays to stay healthy and slim?

vegetable salads

The first thing to eat since the meal is a salad and vegetable and vegetable oil, not meat, fish or egg, and even mayonnaise. Hearty snacks and hot dishes should be eaten after the salad and not eat hot cold stomach will not be happy.

In any case, we have a festive day of fasting to “take heart” for new year’s table, as “guest” and other rich feasts – you can’t sit at the table hungry. Empty the stomach and intestines when they are “bombarded” high-calorie and fatty meals, you get a shock, and their walls are damaged – hence the “festive” gastritis, colitis and other “charms”.

The important point of proper nutrition during the holidays is: during all the Christmas holidays prepare vegetable salads, seasoning them with vegetable oil or low-fat sour cream, and serve them at the beginning of each meal – so your stomach will always be set for the more serious work gradually.

Especially hot dishes

If you want to eat during the new year holidays correctly, then hot dishes, reduce the amount of saturated fat: bake meat and fish either in their own juices or olive oil, low-fat sour cream, cream, and even better – with vegetables and fruit, abandoning the mayonnaise and other fatty and spicy sauces. Favorite dishes in which mayonnaise is mixed with eggs, cheese, meat, fish, sausage, the cause of a sharp aggravation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system – this should happen sooner or later – the only question of time.

Don’t eat fish and meat dishes of the night: after 24 hours the digestive function of the stomach weaken and undigested food passes into the intestines where it sits and rots the stomach swells, pains – what’s the party?

How to eat desserts


Following a glaring error concerns the improper use of desserts and sweet dishes during the new year holidays and vacation, namely eating dessert immediately after fatty snacks and hot dishes. If only we could see what happens after that in the stomach, and even feel the smell of this mixture, we would have stopped eating cakes and pastries, however, rush to extremes no one calls.

So how is the dessert? Only after 2.5-3 hours after the main meal, and best of all separately, at different meals, so the concept of “dessert” is even taken from your diet. In the end, in any of days of vacation to arrange a sweet tea table with fruit, cakes, cake, jams, and other tasty treats – only the fruit should be there in the beginning of the feast, and not at the end.

By the way, before the Christmas sweets – namely, the Christmas we celebrate today on Christmas vacation – did not contain this amount of calories and incompatible products, the huge cakes of white flour with lots of butter and sugar our great-grandmothers didn’t cook.

If you like sweets, learn how to choose from them the tastiest and healthy. Proper nutrition during the holidays includes baked fruits and berries with raisins and honey, salads, fresh fruits and vegetables with honey and cream, open pies with sweet berries, fruits, jam – made of thin dough.

To flavor such desserts good savory spices and seasonings: dry grated citrus zest, nutmeg, thyme, vanilla, anise, star anise, ginger, cinnamon, ground nuts etc. the drinks better to choose natural lemonade, hot chocolate with peppermint and other natural ingredients, jelly, juice, punch, soft drinks, herbal tea – healthy drinks a lot.

The basics of proper nutrition

Now we give some recommendations regarding food during the holidays.

Do not wash down food with soda, juice, and mixing these drinks with alcohol: this combination is incompatible, and the effects of alcohol carbonated beverages increase.

What dishes we usually put on the Christmas table?

It is a fatty meat, Olivier, herring “under fur coat”, jelly with gelatin, delicious red caviar with butter, smoked sausage, smoked fish, fatty and spicy cheese, and many types of newly invented salad – the combination of ingredients in them is striking in its incredible weight and neuromarketing.

And what to cook is favorite foods will have to give up?

No one offers, but it can be prepared so that the load on the stomach will be reduced significantly.

proper nutrition

The secrets of proper nutrition for the holidays

Meat and fish should choose not too fat and not mix them with fatty sauces, and roast in the fat, and bake in the oven with a sauce of oranges, pineapple, cranberries, cranberries, etc. This way you can cook a tasty pork, veal, duck, Turkey, goose, and any natural meat.

Salads should be prepared with a small amount of ingredients, and be sure to put them in more vegetables, not combining the wrong foods: for example, if the salad has meat, fish or seafood, do not add eggs or cheese, but these recipes are a lot. It is not necessary to prepare a lot of salads, cooked vegetables – they have no vitamins: let the vegetables in salads are fresh, and the seasoning to it, use the natural vinegar, grape, Apple, etc., and natural juices, for example, lemon juice with olive oil. These dishes are very tasty and healthy and cook them easier and simpler.

That is not necessary

During the holidays, in the days when you are expecting guests, prepare meals fast food. It’s not about fast food, and light soups – they are easy to prepare with a blender, and cereals from whole grains; good soups and warm salads, frozen fruits and vegetables; dairy products, mild young cheese, cheese, crisp bread, vegetarian sandwiches, homemade ravioli and dumplings.

If you decided to eat on Christmas vacation right, once and for all refuse to eat yesterday’s meals all night had sat on a table: it is not a secret for anyone that most of our fellow citizens of the 1st of January (and subsequent days too) eat that remains from the new year’s feast – the majority of poisonings during the holidays is related to this.

Many people suffer through the holidays not because overeat at home, but because they invite: they think that they will offend their friends and acquaintances if they refuse to eat them fatty and sugary foods, but there is a solution here. Guests need to arrive early and offer assistance, share recipes, and even bring food with them.

For example, you can put in a plastic container, the salad of fresh radish, Apple, carrot and purple cabbage, with lemon juice and olive oil. Raw vegetables should be rubbed on a coarse grater, mix and fill with this salad your stomach will be much easier to digest fatty meat or fish.

I am Azahar Ahmed, a youthful Engineer, Entrepreneur, Digital Marketer, and Motivational speaker native to Nagaon, Assam, India.

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