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How much should the content cost for the website?


Today, ads that offer content for sites are full of almost all specialized forums, one way or another related to Internet marketing, SEO, “promotion.” And this is justified, the role of content in the overall success (or vice versa, failure) of the Internet project today is very high. Quality content is, you can say, a minimum condition to attract the target audience. For large news projects, this is practically the only condition.

At the same time, services for writing content in the Internet business are among the lowest-paid. How is this possible? And perhaps this is because today, a large number of non-professionals from all over the country (and often neighboring countries) are engaged in content-supporting sites. Yes, there is dumping among designers, coders, layout designers, and what dumping is present in the market for promotion in the search engines! But it is in the copywriting market that there are “experts” who work for food in the literal sense of the word.


The general situation in the SEO-copywriting market leads to the catastrophically low quality of texts that are written by all kinds of “freelance journalists”, not just those who do not have specialized education, simply not possessing elementary literacy. Nevertheless, the market for “wild copywriting” is very large today. And feed it the same “wild” customers. As you know, demand creates supply.

Why are advertising managers or marketing directors, any other specialists responsible for the site (and sometimes the person responsible for the site, is the owner of the business), very often try to save on the services of professional copywriters?

This is because the task of writing a text seems simple at first glance. All of us somehow can form words in phrases, and word combinations – in sentences. And all the problems with literacy, if that, spell-check Word’s help us to solve. And, nevertheless, the need for quality texts for Internet projects today is very high. And the more often the customer faces amateurs of easy profit in the field of SEO-copywriting, the faster he understands the need for finding competent artists.

Today, quite a lot of professional content agencies. They are fed by those customers who have already been burned by the methods of working with “wild” copywriters. The temptation to save is very high, but also the losses that will ultimately be at the customer are also great. If you want to invest in advertising, remember that low-quality advertising can hurt you.

History knows many examples of when sales fell after the start of the advertising campaign. And the texts for a commercial site are the same advertisement. Only less intrusive and more meaningful. We, I mean the entire staff of the agency CmsDaddy, have repeatedly faced situations where poor-quality texts simply leveled quite good target traffic, reducing the number of orders or calls to zero.

It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the statement: to get a lot as a result, you do not need to save at the investment stage. It’s about investing directly in the products or services that your company provides to its customers, and about the good staff and the quality of the services provided to you by your partners. One of these services is professional copywriting.

Now, in order to understand how much content for a site should cost, let’s analyze what exactly copy money is good for copywriters? Let’s go on the points:

Agree, it is easy to recruit 8 USD. for 1000 characters and above – this is the price range for almost all more or less professional content agencies. And the content agency CmsDaddy is no exception. At the same time, the amount is quite a lift for any commercial structure.

If for you the amount of 8 USD. for 1000 characters is still expensive, ask the opinion of our customers. Believe me, their investments in the texts have already paid off many times.

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