Thursday, September 12, 2024

Female infidelity: is it worth to forgive? 4 reasons


Female infidelity: How painful it is to realize that your loved one has changed you. Betrayal is torn to pieces, questions constantly arise in the head “Why? Why? ”, Life ceases to play with the usual colors, there is a feeling that it could not be worse. But the worst thing is that the question arises of choice: to forgive betrayal or not?

This question arises not always, and often, especially if the couple was not legally married, the woman who committed adultery, goes from man to another. The choice not to do, but a man is driven by a sense of possessiveness, in most cases, becomes a participant in the deer runs, and he thus begins to be in the image of the deer: chasing the traitor, to sort things out, try to reason with and set on the right path. “She’s not. It wasn’t her fault…”. What are the silly thoughts?

A man who has a sufficient level of self-esteem will never forgive anyone and under any circumstances for a woman’s betrayal. This is the end of a relationship. All actions are done, all words are spoken, there is nothing to find out and why not.

So why not forgive, why not try to restore relations, because mercy is a trait that is peculiar to men to a greater extent? Consider the allegations about this.

Why can’t you forgive female infidelity

  1. An attempt to regain the relationship between a man and a woman after perfect female adultery does not make any sense does not carry a productive grain. This action is aimed at a qualitative deterioration in the life of a man.
  2. Restoring relationships after adultery is a waste of time. Yes, it’s painful to let go, it’s hard to imagine that as a result of separation someone else will have intimacy with your girlfriend, but it’s better to get a cold now than bring it to pneumonia.
  3. After the betrayal, the girl will not see “that same” in you, the search mode is turned on, you will become a backup airfield until the next suitable object appears on the radar.
  4. Continuing a relationship after adultery is detrimental to men’s health. To be with a woman, to love her and to want children from her, while realizing that the betrayal was and is likely to happen again … Worry every time after an unanswered call … Why do you need all this?

Remember! All that the girl will tell you after the betrayal is FALSE, FALSE, FALSE!

In fact, there is no choice, your ex-woman made it. You just have to get up and leave, without scandals and unnecessary words, taking with you the most valuable thing – self-esteem. Believe me, there is a lot of beautiful things ahead. You need a worthy person, and you should never allow yourself to wipe your feet. The middle finger of your right hand to help you, friend.

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I am Azahar Ahmed, a youthful Engineer, Entrepreneur, Digital Marketer, and Motivational speaker native to Nagaon, Assam, India.

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