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19 photos of celebrities from their school time

Everyone has photo albums with photos from distant childhood and adolescence, on which the beautiful moments of a carefree period of our life are imprinted. Famous celebrities also preserved photos from school and children’s albums, made during their infancy and adolescence. In some of the pictures that you will see during the article, it is difficult to know all the well-known actors and actresses, although some of the celebrities have not changed much.

1. Orlando Bloom

Orlando Bloom


2. Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt

3. Rihanna


4. Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton

5. Pink


6. Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston

7. Julia Roberts

Julia Roberts

8. Chris Evans

Chris Evans

9. Amber Heard

Amber Heard

10. Nicole Richie

Nicole Richie

11. Naomi Watts

Naomi Watts

12. Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs

13. Jessica Chastain

Jessica Chastain

14. Keith Walsh

Keith Walsh

15. Jennifer Love Hewitt

Jennifer Love Hewitt

16. Chris Pratt

Chris Pratt

17. Reese Witherspoon

Reese Witherspoon

18. Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian

19. Meghan Markle

Meghan Markle

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