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8 Best micrographs of 2018


The best micrographs: Nikon held the annual Nikon Small World Microscope Contest 2018. Here’s who won this year:

1. Butterfly wing

Butterfly wing


2. Eye of the beetle Metapocyrtus subquadrulifer

Eye of the beetle Metapocyrtus subquadrulifer

3. Polytrochus larva

Polytrochus larva

4. Micrographs of Amino Acid Crystals

Amino Acid Crystals

5. Moss


6. Embryo spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum

Embryo spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum

7. Peacock Feather

Peacock Feather

8. Fern sorus

Ferus sorus

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