Tuesday, September 17, 2024

5 most beautiful models plus size


1. Ashley Graham

Ashley Graham was born in 1987. She wears 58 sizes of clothes with a height of 175 cm. In the modeling business, Graham was accidentally still a teenager – at the age of 12, she was noticed by one of the specialists who is engaged in searching and selecting models. Since then, despite the non-standard parameters, she conquered more than one podium and even launched her own collection of underwear.

Ashley Graham

2. Tara Lynn

Tara Lynn – one of the models plus size, which actively promotes the body’s body style, healthy attitude to her body and struggle with imposed standards of beauty. On her account – numerous contracts with leading modeling agencies. With an increase of 170 cm, the weight of the model is 80 kg. And Tara Lynn was born in 1982.

Tara Lynn

3. Kate Upton

Kate Upton was born in 1992 in Michigan. She has a typical “midwestern” appearance – a tall, strong blonde with blue eyes. In the modeling business, she excelled in the first place thanks to her magnificent (in comparison with the usual model) parameters – with an increase in 187 cm, the volume of her hips is 85 cm. Of course, this plus size cannot be called its size, but this edition will find out. the conscience of the fashion industry.

Kate Upton

4. Anastasia Kvitko

Anastasia Kvitko The American model of Russian origin Anastasia Kvitko claims the laurels of the “second Kim Kardashian”. She regularly uploads photos with backstage on her Instagram page and emphasizes her voluminous breasts and hips. Anastasia Kvitko was born in 1994, she hides her weight, but it is known that with a height of 175 cm, the volume of her hips is 105 cm.

Anastasia Kvitko

5. Tess Holiday

Tess Holiday was born in 1985. With an increase of 160 cm, it weighs 155 kilograms. The girl claims that the volumes do not cause her problems and are rather her dignity. Holiday leads a healthy lifestyle and spends a lot of time in the gym. In 2011, Tess noticed the producers of the reality show and it became popular. Now it is considered the most complete model in the world.

Tess Holiday

I am Azahar Ahmed, a youthful Engineer, Entrepreneur, Digital Marketer, and Motivational speaker native to Nagaon, Assam, India.

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