20 daily habits that suck the energy out of us


Like it or not, we are made up of habits. When we cultivate good habits in ourselves, we fill ourselves with positive energy and move in the right direction. If bad habits prevail in us, we feel constantly tired, deprived of energy and strength.

To use your potential to the maximum, you first need to understand what habits drain our energy and poison our lives.

Here, some of the most common things that bring us more harm than good.

Why little energy

1. Do not bring the case to the end

Do Not Bring The Case To The End

Yes, it is a habit and quite detrimental to your mental health. First, you forget that you promised to take out the garbage, then ignore the appointment and so on.

Things pile up like a snowball, and you create more problems for yourself than you need. Stop procrastinating and try to complete things as soon as the opportunity comes up.

2. Save on sleep

An eight-hour sleep is the best way to restore energy. However, with sleep, as with all other things, moderation is important.

Each of us is individual, someone needs more sleep, and someone less.

To determine your ideal sleep formula, try to go to bed 7.5 hours before waking up.

If you wake up and feel tired, have difficulty opening your eyes and getting out of bed, you need to sleep more. Ideally, you should wake up rested and full of energy.

3. Take on many responsibilities

There is nothing wrong with being responsible. But, when you take on many responsibilities at work, in the family and other areas to the detriment of your health and well-being, this turns into a problem.

Psychologists say that you need to allocate time for yourself first of all in order to effectively deal with stress and increase your psychological stability.

4. Accumulate things

When you enter an uncleaned room, it automatically causes a feeling of exhaustion. The abundance of things not only drains energy and unbalances but also interferes with other things.

Junk in the house is harmful to your physical and mental health. At first, it accumulates dust, mold and animal dander, and secondly, it can be a sign of mental problems.

People who are in perpetual turmoil in their homes are more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety, and the atmosphere of chaos constantly puts pressure on them. There is only one way out – to get rid of everything unnecessary and create an environment that will not oppress.

5. Doing several things at once

Doing Several Things At Once

Of course, it would be very convenient if each of us could perform several tasks at the same time and at the same time as efficiently as possible.

However, as numerous studies have shown, people are not very good at multitasking.

When we try to do several things at once, our brain switches attention from one task to another very quickly, it overloads, and we feel burnout. Better focus on one task.

6. Expect the worst

Sometimes our own thoughts deplete us the most. Constant bad mood and expectation of the worst deprive us of energy.

The stress of any kind causes a number of physical symptoms, such as muscle tension, palpitations, and high levels of cortisol. This causes our body to be in a “fight or flight” mode, preventing it from relaxing and gradually draining you.

7. Skipping meals

Often we are too busy to have breakfast or lunch, especially when a busy schedule does not allow this. But such a habit may eventually turn against you.

When we skip a meal, blood sugar drops and sugar is the fuel our body runs on. In the absence of sufficient fuel, every organ of our body suffers.

Without a new supply of calories, the body systems go into starvation mode to conserve energy. Metabolism slows down, and at the next meal, food is not burned so efficiently.

This is expressed in the general state of fatigue and weakness, blurred consciousness and mood swings. If you do not have the opportunity to eat fully, even a light snack will be better than nothing.

8. Staying in constant tension

Please note: are you clenching your jaw now? Is your neck tense? Emotional stress is always reflected in physical symptoms, causing pain and tightness in different parts of the body.

According to some reports, more than half of patients complaining of pain in the body, for example, pain in the jaw, in fact, experience psychological stress. The source of stress is in the head, causing the production of the hormone cortisol, which leads to pain and irritates the nerves.

9. Busy all the time

Surely, I want to use every minute so as not to waste time. However, it is worth remembering that you are a human, not a robot.

Permanent employment, in fact, will not make you more productive. The brain needs rest in order to work properly and generate ideas.

Inaction is not just a whim, but a vital necessity that the brain needs just like our body needs vitamin D. Without it, our mental state becomes unstable, and vital energy decreases.

10. Depend on coffee

Depend On Coffee

Many people take a cup of coffee in the morning when they wake up, feel tired or want to concentrate.

However, coffee is a drink that is best consumed sparingly. According to experts, up to 400 mg of caffeine is a safe amount for most adults.

This is about 4 cups of brewed coffee, 10 jars of cola or 2 energy drinks. It should be borne in mind that this is only an average indicator, and there will be many people with a high susceptibility to caffeine or those who take drugs.

If you daily exceed the permissible norm, then you may encounter problems such as trembling in the extremities and insomnia.

11. Adhere to impracticable standards

We want to be ideal parents, husbands/wives, workers, friends and so on. But in the day only 24 hours.

By moderating your expectations and focusing on the most important, you can direct the energy in the right direction instead of wasting it all at once.

12. Train to exhaustion

In training, it is also important to maintain moderation. Scientists from the University of Georgia in the United States found that if you are mostly sedentary, then daily training of low intensity will help increase your energy level by 20 percent, and reduce fatigue by 65 percent.

On the other hand, athletes who are not stingy, run the risk of burnout, which will make them even more tired.

Overtraining occurs when a person trains more than his body allows, and the body does not have time to recover.

If you feel constant exhaustion, muscle sensitivity, nausea, drowsiness and other suspicious symptoms, then you need to take a few days of rest or engage in other less intense activities to restore strength.

13. Drink enough water

Lack of energy can be a sign of dehydration. Your body needs water for normal operation and cooling, even if you work all day at the computer and do not exercise.

One indicator of a sufficient amount of water consumed is the color of urine. If it is dark – you do not drink enough water.

If you exercise, drink two glasses of water an hour before your expected physical activity, take a few sips during the workout and two glasses after it.

14. Roam in the network until late

After a long day of work and everyday worries, often we only have time to surf the Internet.

Sometimes we endlessly flipping through social networks until sleep begins to dominate us. However, such a habit can suck out the remaining energy from you daily.

When you look at the phone before going to bed, it enhances brain activity and interferes with sleep. In addition, the artificial blue light from gadgets suppresses the sleep hormone melatonin, which is why you suffer from insomnia in the following nights.

Turn off electronic devices before going to bed to be energized rather than consumed.

15. Not having fun

Not Having Fun

There are times when work accumulates in a snowball and becomes unbearable. In such periods, we begin to take everything too seriously, even ourselves.

We forget to just laugh, or maybe even fool around. If we constantly work, and almost do not rest, the level of pleasure hormones – dopamine and serotonin decrease, and this drain us both physically and emotionally.

Any person needs to have fun, laugh and feel good. Wellness is essential for the growth of our vitality, so do not forget to take breaks for yourself.

16. Eat the same type

Food should bring joy and be diverse, as well as provide us with all the nutrients.

If you eat noodles every day or have a bite to eat on the go, without paying proper attention to your diet, you will have less and less energy.

Adequate nutrition, including products of different colors from different groups, protects against many diseases and gives vitality, supplying all our organs with vitamins and minerals.

The basis of your diet should be fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, meat and fish.

17. Wear uncomfortable and tight clothing

Our clothes to a large extent affect how others perceive us. Often, for the sake of fashion, we are ready to wear tight jeans, tight skirts and blouses, sacrificing our comfort.

However, uncomfortable clothes very quickly deprive us of energy due to the fact that it limits normal breathing. Improper breathing reduces the amount of oxygen that is delivered to the brain and muscles, and you feel constantly tired.

The solution is simple: wear trendy but comfortable clothes and remind yourself to breathe deeper during the day, especially when you are stressed. Deep breathing is an easy and quick way to increase the amount of energy in your body.

18. Slouch

Bad posture is unhealthy for a variety of reasons. It is known that it impairs blood circulation, often causes headaches, arthritis and decreased libido, and, among other things, steals our energy.

When the spine is constantly in the wrong position, the pressure on the ligaments, joints and muscles that are not designed to support such a weight increases.

Bad posture takes energy because our body needs more energy to compensate for the load.

Therefore, stop slouching, straighten up, buy yourself a comfortable chair and do not load yourself with heavy bags.

19. Agree with all

Sometimes it is difficult to refuse a person so as not to offend anyone and maintain peaceful relations with others. But by agreeing to the detriment of yourself, you are doing a disservice.

The habit of agreeing with everything leads to mental exhaustion and decreased productivity throughout the day.

There is nothing wrong with helping others, but saying “No” in time or promising to help later will save your energy and peace of mind.

20. Spend all the time at home

If you feel lethargic and lethargic, do not rush to reach for another cup of coffee. Just go out into the fresh air. People need to be outdoors to feel good.

Even 20 minutes spent in the forest or in the park can add energy to you, even if you are alone this time and do not engage in physical activity.

We bloom in nature, so daily walks are not a luxury, but a necessity, especially if you have to sit indoors for a long time.

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