Thursday, October 24, 2024

10 non-allergic pets


Non-allergic pets: Recently, the number of people affected by allergies is constantly growing. This is due to unfavorable environmental conditions and other factors.

A person with an allergy has no other choice but to learn how to live with it. Allergies can be different: to food, synthetics, and household chemicals. Perhaps one of the most unpleasant is the reaction to pets.

It turns out that a person who is allergic to cats and dogs will never know how nice it is to take care of a small animal, to receive love and gratitude in return.

It is especially offensive to children, they do not understand the seriousness of the situation and ask their parents to get a pet. In addition, taking care of a small animal will make the child responsible. There is a way out.

There are some types of animals that reduce the risk of allergic reactions to a minimum.

This is a list of 10 non-allergic pets

1. Hypoallergenic breeds of cats and dogs without hair

Hypoallergenic Breeds Of Cats And Dogs Without Hair

There is an opinion that only animals with hair cause allergies, but this is not so. But if a person is allergic to wool, naked cats and dogs are ideal pets for them.

Not everyone can decide to have an exotic animal. The most common cat breeds are Sphinx, Devon Rex, and Ukrainian Levkoy. Dog breeds: Mexican hairless dog, American Naked Terrier, Chinese Crested Dog.

Animals without hair should be given a little more attention, you should take care of the skin: wash, moisturize, walk only in clothes.

2. Hypoallergenic breeds of cats and dogs with hair

Hypoallergenic Breeds Of Cats And Dogs With Hair

Still, not everyone can love a cockroach or a snail, cats and dogs are much more familiar and related.

Among them, some breeds are less likely to cause allergies. They don’t drool, they don’t shed. Cat breeds: Cornish Rex, Abyssinian. Dog breeds: Maltese Lap, Poodle, Australian Silk Terrier, and some others.

Everyone knows how to take care of a cat and dog, so we will not dwell on this issue.

3. Reptiles


Pet stores have a very large selection of reptiles: turtles, lizards, snakes. Fans of anything unusual can even have a crocodile as a pet, although this is very expensive and dangerous.

There are a lot of reptile species, each of them needs to create certain conditions. A terrarium, special lighting, and temperature are required, otherwise, the animal may fall into hibernation.

If the turtle has enough plant food, the lizard needs “meat” – cockroaches, crickets. If you decide to get a snake, then prepare for unpleasant sights. They like to eat live food. Before you get a reptile, you should study this issue and seek advice from a pet store.

4. Chinchilla


The animal is similar in size to a large squirrel. They attract people with their funny appearance and cheerful disposition. They don’t bite, are kind and funny. Of course, if you don’t provoke them.

Some people prefer that the animal roam freely around the house, but it is still useful to buy a cage. They can be trained to use the tray, but most of them never master this skill.

Cleaning the cage is enough once a week. The animal should never be bathed, in nature, the chinchilla cleans its fur with sand.

You’ll have to buy a special mixture for this pet. Chinchillas eat ready-made food, vegetables, and herbs.

5. Sphynx Rat

Sphynx Rat

You can’t surprise anyone with a house rat for a long time, but you can probably show off a Sphynx rat to your friends and acquaintances. Of course, the animal is an amateur. Not everyone will like it.

For the animal, you need to prepare a cage, you can put a small entertainment complex there. While the rat is very small, it needs to be accustomed to bathing. Sphynx Rat’s skin gets dirty quickly, even with proper care and regular cleaning of the cage. Soon, water treatments will bring it joy.

Sphinx rats are fed vegetables, cereals, and boiled meat. The animal must always have access to clean drinking water. Sphinx rats are good because they are very kind and affectionate, they like to sit on your hands.

6. Madagascar hissing cockroach

Madagascar Hissing Cockroach

Not everyone will like this insect. A huge cockroach, up to 10 centimeters long. Before you buy a cockroach, you should take care of the terrarium, choose a model with a lid.

Madagascar hissing cockroaches move easily on smooth surfaces. If the insect crawls out of the terrarium, nothing terrible will happen, they are non-allergic and harmless.

The only thing that can scare you is a strong hiss or whistle, so cockroaches try to scare the enemy.

They are omnivorous, eat any vegetables, fruits. There should always be water, otherwise, the insects will eat each other.

7. Golden hamster

Golden Hamster

They are also called golden or sandy, this is the most common breed of hamsters that can be kept at home. There will be no problems with it.

For the Golden hamster, you must purchase a cage. Periodically you will have to clean it. Be sure to put the filler, suitable hay, paper, rags.

The rodent’s menu should be complex: grain mix, plants, vegetables. Take care of drinking water. Sometimes you can walk a hamster in the apartment, for this purpose use a walking ball. You can not let the animal go without a ball, the hamster may fall, it may be crushed by the household. The animal can be picked up, usually, they do not bite, only in case of self-defense.

8. Bald guinea pig

Bald Guinea Pig

The pig is already a little more like a “traditional” pet, it can be picked up without fear, and its appearance is quite cute. They are socialized, affectionate, and inquisitive.

Bald guinea pigs can easily get along with other animals. It is better to put the animal in a cage or terrarium. Breeders recommend using the second option.

The tray should be filled with a layer of sawdust and disinfected at least three times a month. Caring for an animal depends primarily on the breed.

Pigs are fed with traditional grain mixtures, additionally given oats, legumes. You can sometimes treat the animal with apples or nuts.

9. Giant African Snail

Giant African Snail

Large land clams are good because they are unpretentious in care, they can be picked up. However, not everyone will risk picking up a giant snail. Giant African Snail lives in an aquarium, and soil is placed on the bottom of it. Snails are very fond of burrowing in it. They mostly sleep during the day and are active at night.

There will be no problems with food, they like lettuce leaves, vegetables, fruits. Each animal has its taste preferences.

Snail likes to swim. People who want to have snails should prepare for the fact that they will often have to clean up the aquarium.

Also, adults begin to reproduce and lay eggs. This becomes a huge problem for their owners, as the animals are very fertile.

10. Fish


Fish can be called the most “convenient” pets. You do not need to walk with them, they do not require large expenses for food. The aquarium will decorate the interior, harmonize the space. Of course, you’ll have to spend some money first: aquarium, necessary equipment, decor, plants, and soil.

Beginners who do not know anything about caring for fish are recommended to purchase unpretentious animals. Perfect for guppies, swordfish, catfish, gourami, goldfish, and some other species.

Before starting with fish, you should look for information about their compatibility. It may happen that some fish just have lunch with others. It will be very unpleasant, especially if they are taken care of by a child.

You can also get advice from a pet store. The fish have one disadvantage is they do not stroke and do not pick up.

I am Azahar Ahmed, a youthful Engineer, Entrepreneur, Digital Marketer, and Motivational speaker native to Nagaon, Assam, India.

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