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10 countries where it is most profitable to emigrate


The HSBC Bank conducted the study, which compared countries in terms of emigration: where the best standard of living for foreigners, in which countries most of all the salary raises, and which should move with the family. Share their main results.

1. Singapore (salary — $162 thousand per year)

Singapore leads the top countries on many indicators for the fourth consecutive year. On average, expats improve their income by 29 %, and many of them are satisfied with the progress of his career, the stability in the country and a good environment for families.


2. New Zealand ($171 thousand in the year)

New Zealand ranks second overall, but first in the ranking by the experience of moving: there live the most friendly people who always welcome foreigners, and nature wins the hearts of all expats.

3. Germany ($54 thousand per year)

A key country in European politics and culture, Germany offers you comfortable conditions for moving. But many expats complained that in early life in Germany, it was difficult to get used to the German regulations and bureaucracy, therefore, only 15 places in the rating according to the experience of moving.

4. Canada ($51 thousand per year)

To obtain permission for work and residence in Canada is not easy, but if it still fails, then expats can expect a warm welcome and a comfortable, stable life.

5. Bahrain ($83 thousand per year)

Half the population of Bahrain are expats and migrants from other countries, so the capital city of Manama is considered to be a place where all cultures.

6. Australia ($82 thousand per year)

Australia remains a popular destination for expats because, despite the isolation of the continent from the rest of the world, this country offers many opportunities for advancement in your career.

7. Sweden ($31 thousand per year)

First place in the ranking of the conditions for family life in Sweden was not just: the best schools in Europe and reliable health care system attract many families from other countries.

8. Switzerland ($203 thousand in the year)

On average, expats in Switzerland, the salary is increased by $61 thousand, so the country ranks first in the rating on the economy. Along with high salaries going to high prices that may be unfamiliar to people who have moved from another country.

9. Taiwan ($13 thousand per year)

Despite the relatively small salaries compared to other countries in the ranking, expats in Taiwan a warm welcome from local residents and lots of development opportunities in the field of electronics.

10. United Arab Emirates ($77 thousand per year)

80% of the UAE population – migrants and expats, so any problems with the move, as a rule, does not arise. But there are several difficulties encountered each settler: terrible heat and conservative Muslim culture.

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